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Hello,There have been several similar threads but no answer from ST:
I am trying to get RTOS proxy working in STM32CubeIDE with SMT32H7B3 MCU. However, I only see on thread and get "Failed collecting threads." error: The FreeRTOS Task List view shows all tasks correctly. Any tips for solving this issue?
It seems to be a recurring challenge in the community posts of getting firmware MPU configuration to work with SBSFU. We also had the problem of application firmware hanging when running it with SBSFU. A solution of clearing floating point unit flags...
I am trying to view and debug the queues in my FreeRTOS project. To do this, I have to add the queues to registry with vQueueAddToRegistry. However, vQueueAddToRegistry takes an argument to a QueueHandle_t and in the project generated with STM32CubeM...
We are updating our buildtools to GNU Tools for STM32 11.3.rel1 for a new project that is using an existing SBSFU 2.4.0 based bootloader from a previous project that was using an older compiler. Trying to compile the bootloader gives following errors...
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