Hello All,I am working on a custom board which has BlueNRG-2 IC as a connectivity chip with Mobile App. I am now planning to migrate to BlueNRG-LP IC because of memory limitation in BlueNRG-2. Is there any migration document for the same?Following ar...
Hi, I check connection with ST25PC-NFC and M24SR.I used the NDEF Editor of ST25PC-NFC.The error occurred error after selected "Read from your tag".This error is "Read tag operation failed!". Please take care my trouble.
ret = aci_gap_set_io_capability(IO_CAP_NO_INPUT_NO_OUTPUT);ret = aci_gap_set_authentication_requirement(BONDING, MITM_PROTECTION_NOT_REQUIRED, SC_IS_SUPPORTED, KEYPRESS_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED, MIN_KEY_SIZE, MAX_KEY_...
code:void test_security_init(void) { Clear_Security_Database(); int ret; /* ACI_GAP_SET_IO_CAPABILITY */ ret = aci_gap_set_io_capability(IO_CAPABILITY); if (ret != BLE_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TUYA_APP_LOG_INFO("aci_gap_set_io_capability(%d...
Hello ST community,So I am working on this project using STM32F746G-DISCOVERY KIT and I want to have full control of the network stack behavior. For example when I send ping from the PC to the STM I don't want to receive an automatic pong. Thank you.
We are doing FCC and BQB approval next week and I am trying to build the DTM project for the BlueNRG-345 and have the requisite defines for C/C++ and linker but it runs out of RAM on the build.Please explain and point me to the correct changes needed
now i trying spi communication using VN9D30Q100F(slave) with NXP's S32K148(master).i set VN9D30Q100F to normal mode.after than, i checked output pwm pulse through six channels.when i read output status register(address is 0x20h to 0x25h) of VN9D30Q10...