Interface and connectivity ICs

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SimSun-ExtB Issues

Hi I'm using touchGfx 4.16 to develop myGUI and I need to use chinese character in my project. I have create a newtypography using SimSun-ExtB font. But when I use a chinese characters in myresourses and I generate the code I see the following error:...

tetè by Associate
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WiSE Studio does not connect to J-Link

WiSE Studio does not connect to Segger J-Link, although Atollic TrueStudio and J-Link Commander do. Could it be in a different driver? Why different?I am evaluating the BlueNRG-2 eval board that is working under TrueStudio (that cannot compile an SDK...

idolezal by Associate II
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Connect blueNRG to the app

Hello,I want to connect the Steval-BCN002V1 to the ST app.To do this, I connect the Bort to a programmer and play the "SensorDemo" program on it. I got it from here: >>LINK<<I'm trying to connect with this app: >>LINK<<. It does not display the divic...

ST8500 I2C interface support

Currently Band select (CENELEC-A & FCC) pin is connected on GPIO01_7 in development kit of EVALKITST8500-1. As per GPIO alternate function this pin can be used as I2C Clock.Can we connect Band select to other GPIO or it is recommended to use same pin...

Kshah.21 by Associate II
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I automatically generated a BLUENRG2 project, which I found in the stack_user_cfg.h file#ifndef BLE_STACK_CONFIGURATIONIt's not running, but I tried searching and couldn't find any other files with#define BLE_STACK_CONFIGURATIONAm I doing something w...

fanyun by Associate II
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