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On the BL47E-IOT01A2 there are two mems microphones (MP34DT01) both connected to DFSDM1_DATIN2. I'm trying to extract the data from just one of those boards and convert it to PCM using a DFSDM filter. I've configured DFSDM Channel 2 to connect to PDM...
I'm using the L4xx HAL library and trying to set my SPI RX threshold value to 1/4 so I can receive a single byte response. From my research there should be a HAL function called SPI_RxFIFOThresholdConfig that will do this. When I put it into my SPI i...
I have found several other forum posts on this subject, and I've tried to follow them, but I'm still stuck. For some reason, SPI3 on my bl47eio1a never enters a ready state. It gets stuck waiting for a ready state before it ever can send or receive a...
I'm working with the SPIRIT1 (SPSGRFC-915) radio module, communicating over SPI, and using the provided SPIRIT1_Library. I am stuck after I preform the init sequence, the MC_STATE register keeps coming back with ERROR_LOCK 1, and STATE=2. I never ena...
Hi everyone,Something weird happened while I was uploading to my board. The upload crashed half way through and now the USB STLink interface isn't recognized. I think I should be able to upload a working ELF file in UART mode, but to do that I need t...