when I try to read software version (before gap or gatt initalization) using aci_hal_get_firmware_details(), it ends up to this and always fail to get the data correctly
I using BlueNRG M2 as a network co-processor and have configured my project with STM32 CUBEMX which uses X-CUBE-BLE2. It is a non RTOS based project and is working well.Now, I want to use RTOS (FreeRTOS) with the BLE stack. Is there any example which...
str485 differential output is not as expected , we have followed datasheet to design pcb yet only one signal (non inverted) is showing up as expected in logic anlyser (see attachment)attaching pcb design for your reference.Should the outputs A and B ...
I am trying to communicate with VN9D30Q100F slave from TI SOC as a Master.First command i am sending as 0xC2 to read product code 1 as a 58h. But in response i am able to get only Global status byte 0x41 as first byte and rest two bytes are 0. Second...
Dear Community,I have a setup of 2x SPIRIT transmitters. The CSMA is disabled. Both are configured for continuous TX. However, I observe the following:1) The SPIRIT that boots initially starts transmitting without any issues2) The second SPIRIT (that...
Spirit1 normally makes reset, then, after any command of RX, TX or LOCKRX, LOCKTX it is always goes in error state Status registers are steady 0x02 and 0x27 and no further commands are executed, excluding reset and sleep. This is unknown error, I don...
We found in a LOT # T2N15KQN0001, which includes 3000 BlueNRG chips, that 300 (10%) are paired after a very long time, (15-20 seconds) while all the other paired after 5 seconds only.When changing the CPU, the problem is fixed - the CPU environment i...
I am using BlueNRG M2 and would like to increase the MTU size from default 23 to 100 bytes.After reading PM0257 programming manual, I tried calling aci_gatt_exchange_config function which sometimes returns BLE_STATUS_SUCCESS and sometimes throws BLE_...