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Hi,I have attached a X-NUCLEO-WB05KN1 on top of a NUCLEO-H743ZI2 board and are trying to verify whether it works by flashing the peripheral_hr sample with the shield argument "x_nucleo_wb05kn1_spi". Sadly it does not work (it is stuck in bt_spi_open ...
Hi,I have a custom PCB based on STM32L4R9 with a SPI interface to BlueNRG-2 flashed with DTM SPI (2.1f stack). I use X-CUBE-BLE2.I'm able to communicate with the module such as retrieve firmware details, start and stop tones. The problem I'm seeing i...
Hi,I'm using the latest EEPRMA2 drivers for the M95M04 EEPROM. I'm trying to store data in EEPROM on a specific address.In the following example, I expect one byte to be written to address 5.uint8_t a = 10;uint32_t targetAddr = 5;EEPRMA2_M95_WriteDat...
Hi,We have a custom board with BlueNRG-2 and wants it to act as a co-processor so it can be controlled through SPI from another MCU (STM32L4R9).The BlueNRG-2 has been flashed with STSW-BNRG2N-V320 firmware through the bootloader interface.DIO0 SCKDIO...
Hello,I'm interfacing the KTD2026 RGB sensor.Writing to the device's registers works with normal HAL I2C functions.The problem i'm facing is reading the device's registers which from datasheet should be done the following way:I have tried both HAL_I2...