Resolved! FAQ - Migration from any power plug or DC Barrel to USB type-C
How and Why to migrate from any power plug or DC Barrel to USB type-C?Learn more by reading the below answers
How and Why to migrate from any power plug or DC Barrel to USB type-C?Learn more by reading the below answers
When two Steval-FKI433V2 evaluation boards yet maintain connection, the S2LPRadioGetRssidBm() functions for both boards show about -103dBm...-104dBm. I can't get less RSSI level. Has the least possible RSSI the same value as the receiver sensitivity...
There is a problem with ADC in BlueNRG-1 described in ERRATA ( - 1.6 ) s...
Hi,I would like to use Bluenrg 2 in my project and i have problems to receive an output report from host. I am using BluNRG-1_V1 DK 1.0.0 Software package. I think, hidGetReport_CB should be called when an output report arrives but this function is n...
I am using BlueNRG GUI and have my own python script that has external librarywhen i run the script it give me error "the module is not found"
Currently i am aware of different methods to connect them. But i am most interested in LTDC. I have tried using old protocols like Motorola 6800 Parralel RGB. But Touch screens of bigger size and bigger resolution available on Alibaba for example do...
In the example code of STSW-STUSB003, we can see that the NVM of stusb4500 is divided into four sectors, each of which has 8 bytes. We want to know the definition of each byte,and we didn't find any information about this.Can we ask for the detailed ...
Hello. I am trying to establish a working wireless communication between two radio units using S2-LP components.Both units are an S2-LP development kit which includes a nucleo-L053R8board with a mounted STEVAL-F433V2 board.The code is the example pro...
Hi folks,we just completed a custom RF interface board for our product.It's a simple SPI-to-Antenna board with TCXO and BALF, in the 862-868 MHz band.The TCXO is powered by an LDO at 1.8 Volt. This allows us to use a battery.The S2-LP is powered exte...
Hello everyone,I'm trying to communicate with a SPSGRF-868 from a Nordic 52840 Development Kit, but a very strange behaviour affects my SPI communication. When I connect ONLY pins CSN, MISO, MOSI, CLK and SDN of the SPSGRF to the Nordic, leaving VDD ...