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blueNRG Master/Central Library conn_length

I'm working on a central BLE device. I'm having some trouble with the sensor and the hub not being in sync. It looks like that the central device wakes up to late, every 3rd wake event the central wakes up at the right time and a PDU is sent/received...

allard by Senior
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SPBTLE-RF direct mode

Hello, we have developed a device based on SPBTLE-RF and stm32L452.To certify the device we have to operate BLE modules in direct mode. If I understand correctly DT0069, hci is only on SPI and we should forward on the UART. Are there any code example...

YL by Associate II
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I'm working on the SensorTile board that acts as a server in a BLE connection with a tablet (the client). I was able to send data trough the BLE from server to the client but I can't send data from client to server. Do you have any suggestions?

Reading the SampleApp code when the client send data to the server it seems that an EVT_BLUE_GATT_ATTRIBUTE_MODIFIED should be detected in the user_notify(...) function. But if I write on the characteristic from my tablet app nothing happens...In the...

Hello, I'm using a FTM32767ZI and trying to receive data from host using HAL_UART_Receive_DMA(). I enabled DMA settings for RX and generated code using STM32CubeIDE. However I can't receive any data by calling HAL_UART_Receive_DMA.

I already confirmed HAL_UART_Receive() can receive expected data. However I can't using HAL_UART_Receive_DMA.When I looked into RDR register (huart.Instance->RDR), I can see the first 1 byte of data sent from target is received. But the data isn't c...

3to4 by Associate
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