Interface and connectivity ICs

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My P-l496G-CELL02 C2C device won't connect.

Using the google cloud platform, have connected via the STLINK, have configured the modem using the binary file provided for google cloud platform. Using an NBIOT external sim card but when the APN is set for C2C capability, the response on the termi...

JGood by Associate II
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Where to find ST7540 DEMOKIT GUI?

Hi all,I recovered 2 old ST7540 DEMOKITs complete of the related ST7-based COMMBOARDs (photo attached); however I don't have the DEMOKIT GUI that is cited in the UM0239 I found on the ST website (

BlueNRG-2 VBAT max rating

Hi,I'm designing a beacon around the BlueNRG-2 and would like to power it from a battery that can output as much as 3.67V. Unfortunately this exceeds the max Vin limit on the datasheet (3.6V) by only 70mV. I have a couple of questions in the hopes of...

jaylong by Associate II
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