How do I program a BlueNRG-M2 with Network Processor code?
I am using a BlueNRG-M2 as a Network Processor.What is the method of programming these devices with the Network Processor code?Can they be programmed with an ST_LINK?
I am using a BlueNRG-M2 as a Network Processor.What is the method of programming these devices with the Network Processor code?Can they be programmed with an ST_LINK?
i follow this steps for setup/sensor demo
I would like to use Bluenrg-ms in simultaneous central/peripheral mode. My initialization method builds up like this: 1. after the first reset, set up stack mode 3 by calling aci_hal_wirite_config data, 2. call aci_gap_init_IDB05A1 function with peri...
Hi I am using Bluenrg 2 BLE module but not able to find audio service libraries for the same module so can I used Bluenrg 1 module's audio libraries for Bluenrg 2 ?
Hi am using the BlueNRG-LP. I am a master/client and want to discover local devices and then decide who to connect to ... I am able to get the advertising data from local devices including the BT addr, RSSI etc. But I want to get the Scan response da...
Hello, I have a problem by using event to catch a read of a characteritics. When I'm in the event EVT_BLUE_GATT_READ_PERMIT_REQ I want to deny the read. I see only the function aci_gatt_allow_read and not any function like aci_gatt_deny_read. On go...
Hello!I have a NUCLEO-L073RZ development board, with the SX1272MB2DAS LoRa RF expansion board (from Semtech). I have downloaded code for it here at ST at:
Hello,Is it possible to advertise my UUIDs services when my Bluetooth device is in advertising mode?I am using STM32 and SPBTLE-RF0TR in my application. I have 2 primary services (16 BITS UUID) and 2 customer services (128 BITS UUID). I have succeede...