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Clarification of GATT Write Procedures

I'm a bit confused regarding some nuances of the BlueNRG-2's BLE characteristic value write procedures' functions & events. Below is my understanding with a few questions.Bluetooth Core Specification v5.2 | Vol 3, Part G; 4 GATT Feature Requirements ...

cp210x communication with STM32f4

Hi,Kindly advice how to communicate with an external device has CP210x with stm32f4 via USB FS mode. Is there any driver? In my project i want to read an external sensor data via USB. That sensor transmitting the data via CP210x chip . Please advice....

PC/stm32 USB communication cable

Hi everyone, i am trying to establish a USB communication between my nucleo-L073RZ and my PC. I have stripped a USB cable to connect it to the usb pins of the board (PA12 & PA11) and it worked well but i wanted to buy a cable (not homemade) to do it....

Jmaxi by Associate II
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ST25DV04K PCB Antenna

HiI would tike to use the ST25DV04K NFC tag in a Lorawan end node based on the on the CMWX1ZZABZ-091 module.Can you please provide more info on the ANT7-T-ST25DV04K reference design? I was not able to find the pcb documentation.I addition to that, ...

GErma.1 by Associate III
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