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What is ST system bootloader address. I want to jump the application code to system uart bootloader as the boot pin is not available as of now.Thanks@Winfred LU @Eleon BORLINI
Running into lots of problems getting the BLUENRG-M2 to work standalone. When I hook up the expansion board (BNRG2A1), everything works, but not with this chip on my PCB. Verified power and signal wires. Every connection seems fine and I was able to ...
I'm using the SPBTLE-1S BlueNRG-1 module on a custom PCB with a STM32L4R9ZI MCU. The SPBTLE-1S module and the main MCU are connected trough SPI. The SPBTLE-1S module can be flashed with various firmwares provided by ST. Which one should i choose? I w...
Hello, Does anyone know if there is any SPI Flash memory reference source codes available for BlueNRG-2?Our device has additional SPI type NOR flash for file system extension but I couldn’t figure out how to configure it for BlueNRG-2.BlueNRG DK just...
Hi,i have x-nucleo-idb05a2 with STM32F401RE-Nucleo Rev C.I have put all Binary Application of X-CUBE_BLE1 but never see Bluetooth from scan or from ST BLE Profile.Why?
Where to locate missing header files for VL53L0X API?Hi allI am currently trying to integrate the VL53L0X sensor to a STM32L053 discovery board using CubeMX and Cube IDE, but I haven't had the best of luck...I am inexperienced regarding the integrati...
Hello, My Problem is ; i can't extract properly the APPEUI from inucleo LRWAN1 ( there is no stickers on module)I tried many times to communicate with AT commands but i have issue with it. I configure terminal Tera Term ( 115200 bauds) I tried with w...
HiI am using bluenrg M2 module, bluenrg_m2sa and it's expansion board x_nucleo_bnrg2a1.Module with expansion board is working but module purchased separately is not. As mentioned in the errata sheet of expansion board do I need to update every new ...