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Facing CRC checksum issue with STM32CubeIDE, it doesn't generate automatic checksum what are the steps need to follow generate checksum and attach end of the application. Do i need do any configuration in linker file Flash.ld ? please help me.

i am integrating STL XCUBE class-B 2.2.0 Packages with STM32L433 controller here issue with CRC test failing, what are configuration required to generate checksum attach end of application.This patch i found in the SWSTM32 IDE linker file  /* check ...

NPULI.1 by Associate II
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Regenerating a UCPD project in CubeIDE 1.6 deletes the library file from the linker settings in the project configuration.

This thread is a new problem discovered while investigating a different USB-PD issue in another thread. @Yohann M.​ recommended that I create a new thread for this issue. Here is the link to the other thread:

Resolved! How to setup regular mode(SW trigger+DMA) and inject mode(TIM1 CC4 trigger+IT) working together on the SAME adc in cubemx?

Hi! i am using STM32F401CCU6 for BLDC/FOC motor control application.For foc application requirements, i need sampling 3 phase current in inject mode, vbus and motor temperature in regular mode.However, there is only 1 adc available for sampling. i tr...

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How to enable pdm2pcm middleware?

STM32F4-DISCOVERY board: I need to read from the mic (MP45DT02) and I was trying to use the STM32CubeIDE to generate the initialization and I cannot get to enable the pdm2pcm middleware. I have tried to configure I2S2 (no errors) but still pcm2pcm is...

RLecu by Associate II
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UCPD Sink demo on B-G474E does not select PDO

HiI am using a UCPD demo of STM32G4 B-G474 (USB-PD_Consumer_1port) but it does not allow me to select any of the Source PDOs. The sink can see the capabilities of the source but not select any. Can you help me with this? I am using STM32CubeIDE and ...

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MPaz.1 by Associate
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Hello ! I want to use a MIDI interface with my stm32 board. I found some codes but so complex that I failed to extract what I wanted. Does anyone know how to do a simple MIDI communication ?

I have two boards, STM32F303K8 and STM32F411RE, and I'm using the HAL librairie with CubeIDE 1.3.1. I don't know if these information are useful but we never know...If my question lacks information, do not hesitate to ask me what is missing in my que...

GMich.2 by Associate II
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