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Resolved! USB device audio class up or IN stream not working.

Device: STM32F411RE NUCLEOHello, I am having some issues with STM USBD AUDIO library. For some reason I cannot get it to stream audio data to a host device in a proper way.The device is successfully recognized as 2 channel 16 bit microphone by my PC....

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MWolt.1 by Associate II
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STM32F4 Discovery USB Audio

Hey,I am trying to send some sine wave signal over usb audio class to computer. I arranged usb descriptors so computer recognizes mcu as microphone but I am struggling to send sine wave. I create sine wave with dac and I read it with adc. what should...

SSone.1 by Associate III
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Have two USB Audio Device Class

I have a STM32F446 MCU. I want to use the two USB ports featured by the MCU and have a single Audio Device Class on each USB but once one is selected in the CubeMX, the other is greyed out.

TLest.2 by Associate II
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Hi everyone, I'm looking to design and develop a USB Audio Interface using STM32F4xx series MCUs that could ideally record up to 16 channels of analog audio signals, convert and send to a PC / MAC via USB.

If anyone is familiar with Digital Audio Workstations (DAW's), you can then select the type of audio input device in the application, to then choose which channel to monitor and record.I'm familiar with the process of how to record the incoming audio...

cackland by Associate
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