STM32 MCUs Security

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Forum Posts

Resolved! STM32U5 RDP regression without JTAG/SWD

Hello ST Community,There was a thread by Aurelien about this topic, but I did not understand the answer. So let me rephrase the question with my own words.I have a STM32U5 based device with high security settings (TZEN=1, RDP=2). Is there any other m...

ELuca.2 by Associate II
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Resolved! Moving STM32U585 back from RDP level 2 to blank state

Hello,I need a quick confirmation. Assuming I have correctly provisioned OEM1KEY and OEM2KEY and I don't use OTP memory, I will always be able to revert my STM32U585 chip from RDP level 2 to blank state (RDP level 0, erased Flash, TrustZone disabled)...

ELuca.2 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32F413H SBSFU

Hello,I am working on integrating SBSFU with the STM32F4 controller. The target controller is F429.I am trying to build an example project. It is a single image slot project which is developed for STM32F413H. I build the SE_Corebin project first and ...

ADani by Associate III
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How to read protect the code on F407VG

I thought this would be simple, open up the STMCubeProgrammer, connect to the programmed device, select RDP, select BB read protection (CC means the MCU can never be reprogrammed so no user-done code updates!!) and then Apply!But no, the board screen...

Robmar by Senior III
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