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Forum Posts

Update rate LIV3F

We are using the LIV3F in our project. We need an effective output data rate of at least 2 updates per second. I set the update rate at 4 updates/second ($PSTMSETPAR,1303,0.25,0*1F\n\r"). I selected only GPRMC and GPGGA messages. me($PSTMCFGMSGL,0,1...

Documentation on SPWF01SA module

I have to support a legacy product with SPWF01SA module.Looking for detailed documentation on the module (not of the Nucleo shied).I know that it is obsolete or NRND or whatever, but still need as much details as available.Any pointers?

Pavel A. by Evangelist III
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LSM6DSM not sending data

Hey,I am using an LSM6DSM with a 32bit MCU,I am using the generic C code provided by STM,I was able to configure it and get inital readings but after some time,it has stopped sending reading ,I am checking the "status_reg.xlda" value to check for new...

Ashja .S by Associate II
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