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xray format issue

STD120N4F6 dc 20+ , found that the xray format is difference from DC 21+, did there a new PCN during 20+ i'm not sure if these goods are origin. could you pls help to check the labels for me?​

0693W00000WLcjtQAD.png 0693W00000WLclUQAT.jpg 0693W00000WLcl5QAD.jpg 0693W00000WLckIQAT.jpg
demi by Associate
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BlueNRG-2 DMT firmware question

Hello. I have flashed DTM_UART firmware to my BlueNRG device. I have connected RX/TX pins to IO8/IO11 of the BlueRNG but when I start the device, on serial monitor I only see: and cannot open the device via BlueNRG-GUI.I have picked up the binary fil...

0693W00000WLVYnQAP.png 0693W00000WLWXCQA5.png
LPetr.1 by Senior II
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Wise Studio building firmware for BlueNRG-2

I would like to experiment with BlueNRG FW. I have downloaded BlueNRG SDK from: also I have recently downloaded Wise Studio that I would like to use for building BlueNRG code.In the Wise...

0693W00000WLPSUQA5.png 0693W00000WLPU6QAP.png
LPetr.1 by Senior II
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where can I get usbpd_core.c document?

hello ,I try to use USB1602 chip build an PD Triger based STM32F103ZE , I download STSW-STUSB010-V1.0.1 and build all the target using MB1303_SINK_ONLY project. I cannot find USBPD_PE_Init(.....) function and some other function defin...

jshen.1 by Associate
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Configuration of Public Device Address

Dear all,I am currently evaluation the BlueNRG-LP for a new project. I am using the STEVAL-IDB011V1 board and BLE stack v3.1. I've started with the BLESensorDemo to implement our own service. My question is regarding the BLE address.This is how it is...

OKloe.1 by Associate II
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