Is the design of this circuit OK to be USB HOST?
Is the design of this circuit OK to be USB HOST?
I'd like to read measurements from about 50-100 remote temperature sensors. I'm considering two options: BLE mesh with SPBTLE-RF modules and 6LoWPAN with SP1ML-868 modules. How many remote sensors per second can I read in both cases? I don't need exa...
I am using the ST BlueNRG-MS and would like to know the required procedures (documentation) in order to put on Bluetooth logo & able to sell globally.Anyone have done this for end product ?
Hello people, I need help for a University project. I'm trying to establish communication between 2 STM32F103 with a pair of nRF24L01. I am a complete newbie to programming MCU.I have tried a lot of libraries but none that I could compiled in uVision...
We are using the procedure defined in AN4491 to upgrade BlueNRG-MS firmware from 7.1e to 7.2c. Blue_flag erase (aci_erase_blue_flag), flash erasing and programming works but the aci_reset_blue_flag step is failing with response “0x4A: Blue Flag faile...
How to transfer audio files from the phone to a (BLUENRG+STM32+SDcard), without using additional software on the phone? I'm not sure, but I need an FTP profile. I need to realize the transfer of a sound file using the built-in Android / IOS functions...
I will attach you the circuit.It was just made looking at the datasheet and its pin configurations.Please go through the circuit and let me know for any modifications.Thank you.
Hi,I have a BlueNRG-MS connected through SPI to a STM32L476 like that implemented on ST SensorTile board. The NRG chip wasn't working and I checked that the firmware version is 715. I think 723 is a the latest version and so I am trying to update the...
S2-LP transceiver, STEVAL-FKI868V1: it has a feature 'Automatic acknowledgement, retransmission, and timeout protocol engine".1. Does the acknowledgement automatically come from receiver?2. Does this feature automatic for S2-LP transceiver or it may ...
Hi,I'd be grateful for any suggestion what BT module supporting HID I should use to connect BT HID keyboard to the STM32. I see that many popular HC-XX modules support only SPP profile.There are some modules supporting HID profile but all the example...