Hello,I'am using Atollic TrueStudion for STM32 v9.3.0 / (STM32F446ZE)where can I find the sample code from AN 3070 "Managing the Driver Enable signal for RS-485 and IO-Linkcommunications with the STM32 ™’s USART".
I'm currently testing the new stack update (2.1b) on BlueNRG and noticed that there was a define for updating throughput (DTM_THROUGHPUT_CONF in DTM_config.h) on DTM sample code. I'm just wondering if it's possible to have 8 links while maximizing AT...
I am using Keil for the development and has run GPIO & UART examples given in BlueNRG-1_2 DK 3.1.0The objective is to connect each BlueNRG2 SoC with Microcontroller via UART pins and exchange the information strings in between the microcotrollers usi...
is there any documentation out there that tells how much power is being consume when the bluetooth operates?and if the power consumption is affected whether the Device is running on RUN mode or STANDBY mode.If there are any tips that can make reduce ...
Hello,I'm using a STEVAL-BCN002V1. I would like to be able to change the security levels (since BLE mode 1 has 4 security levels) to check if the battery consumption changes or not and also to implement a code to modifiy the security level according ...
using STEVAL-BCN002V1, with ST-LINK/V2 and Atollic IDE. Cannot enter the debug mode. Gives a hardfault error. Using BLE_sensordemo , downloaded from ST website. This should work .Also tried downloading BLE_Sensordemo.hex usint the STSW-BNRG1STLINK ut...
I have several USB dongle development kits containing BlueNRG-MS's. The module that we are using for our project is a BlueNRG-M2SA. Is it possible to update the firmware on the BlueNRG-M2SA using one of the USB dongles?
If someone can show me touchscreen that size that could replace the existing screen on the dev kit ?.. Thank you
After a couple of times that I reflashed the unit to debug, it became unresponsive. The first few times I got to download and debug the Sensor Demo project, the it stopped working alltogether. I got to connect the debugger and go step by step. In the...