How can i assign addresses in EEPROM code of BlueNRG 232 for different vaiables location.As in the sample code bluenrg232 only device address is used not the register address where we will save varaible values memory.function taken from sample i2c ...
Is there anybody, how has this file for sharing with me? Thanks Joachim
I'm using the snaphat M4T32-BR12SH6 (battery + crystal) with RTC M41T94.The battery life is short, after less than 1 year, the battery voltage is lower than 2.5 V and the RTC does not work well.And according to the datasheet, the minimum expected lif...
Hi,I would like to know is there any way to port the STEVAL-IDP005V1 code to other STM32F469 controller. I know it is not possible directly inside STM32CubeIDE? any suggestions?The existing micro is not cheap and BGA is very complicate.Thanks.Naveen
In one of my project I have to connect my bluenrg2 with custom android app.In order to make this which example code I have to refer?I use BLE-chat example but it couldn't pair from the default bluetooth settings.Then I tried with BLE_SENSOR_DEMO_CEN...
i am working with bluenrg2 chat example.After uploading the bluetooth is not discoverable in our custom made app .It is asking pairing key while trying to connect from the default bluetooth list of phone.Could you please update why I can't connect or...
Dear ST, Do you know amount of is the maximum allowable capacitance on the ~RST output for SR1 reset controller? By tradition we put 0.1 uF on the NRST pin, but is it OK with SR1?We use SR1PBBU with OD output.Thanks in advance!
Hi everyone,I'm currently using the BlueNRG-M2SP Bluetooth 5.0 module for the design of a body-worn wearable medical device (patch which should be used for up to 7 days). I'd like to know if there's any specification regarding the minimum distance of...
Hi,We have assembled 10 Boards with LIS2DH12TR out of which only 6 Boards are working Rest 4 aren't at all working.we tried resoldering the sensor again and checked still the same issue.What would you suggest to do?