Interface and connectivity ICs

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Forum Posts

BLUENRG-M0: number of attributes records

Hello, I'm working with BlueNRG-M0.All is fine when I work with 1 little service. Today I need to implement lot of services and I'm stuck with the error 0x1F from aci_gatt_add_serv() function.My init is this:/*----- CODE -----*/ uint8_t SERVER_BDADDR...

Dams by Associate III
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BlueNRG2 - New project questions

I'm starting a new SW project for a BlueNRG2 module and it's not clear what the currently preferred development toolchain is. I want to make sure I'm not using deprecated tools.The BlueNRG2 will be used as an application processor (i.e. not connected...

Combo STUSB4500 + STUSB4700

Hi, ​I am making a USB power hub which support USB C Power delivery. ​There is a upstream USB C which support Sink and Source role:if there is a DC input, this is a Source, STUSB4700 is enabledif there is no DC input, this is a Sink, STUSB4500 is ena...

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Leo Tai by Associate II
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Resolved! Will the STUSB4500 assert (pull low) the ATTACH pin if it is connected to a USB 2.0 port? For example in the case a USB 2.0-A to USB-C cable is used where there is no host USB PD communication on the CC pins and only 5V appears on VBUS.

Also, will the VBUS_EN_SNK pin get asserted (pulled low) in this case, allowing the power path to enable 5V from the USB 2.0 cable to power the device?

SPWF04S MQTTCONN Request Failed

Hi together,I'm using the NUCLEO-F401RE and NUCLEO-IDW04A1 trying to connect and publish to a MQTT Broker. Therefore i've edited the example HTTP_Request. Connecting to my WiFi-AP is working fine, but connecting to the Broker does not work. This is w...

FSchm.1 by Associate
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This question refers to the STUSB4500 reference schematic on page 26 (fig 10) of the datasheet. Will this design prevent current flowing from a secondary power source on Vsnk back to the USB connector if the secondary source's voltage is slightly higher?

In the case where USB power is first applied and a 20V contract established, the STUSB4500 would enable the power path to Vsnk as per usual. Then assume a 20.9V (for example) secondary power source is applied to the Vsnk output (say from a wall adapt...