Dear Sir/Madam,I have selected STOTG04ES as replacement for ISP1301BS. Major difference that I could find is the Exposed pad in both ICs. In ISP1301BS should be connected to ground but in STOTG04ES it is NC. Kindly clarify that on connecting to GND ...
Dear community, I'm using BlueNRG-2 M2SP module for programming and BLE-chat(Server) firmware use to program this module(available in BlueNRG- DK application). Making all changes in preprocessor setting as per docume...
Hello,I am using the evaluation board B-072Z-LRWAN with the example code provided by ST (STM32CubeExpansion_LRWAN_V1.3.1), the End Node project. Data is received on my LoRa server, messages are sent as "Unconfirmed". Now, I want to send "Confirmed" m...
Hello, I'm using STM32F446RE with X-Nucleo-IDB05A1 for a set of projects and am testing to see if these projects connect using LightBlue PunchThrough App for iOS. I have a set of projects I have created, compiled, and uploaded to my STM32F446 that wo...
Hi,I am a new to STEVAL-IDB011V1 board, so I installed the SDK mentionned on the user manual, However I couldn't found the package for this device on Keil µ-vision to start programming it!I search STBlueNRG-LP_DFP.2.0.0.pack on device database and i ...
1. if i read and write characteristic in the service its working fine if write one characteristic and read on other characteristic of same service , its not working . after that its not able to reconnect , during this scenario i need to restart ...
Nucleo send through UART4 and receive with DMA from devices. Then Nucleo send to PC via USART2 for debugging. In UART4 there is Idle Line detect for receiving unknown length of data.This is my code: MX_GPIO_Init(); MX_DMA_Init(); MX_UART4_In...
I need it please give me a url.