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Happy 2024 !

ST Employee

To our valued community around the world, our warmest wishes for a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year!


Top 3 Contributors and superusers during 2023 for the last 6 months and the new community

  1. @TDK with 326 solutions
  2. @Tesla DeLorean 151 solutions
  3. @waclawek.jan 94 solutions

Top 3 Viewed posts in 2023 :

  1. 13099 views VSCode for STM32 extension 1.0.0 released - STMicroelectronics Community
  2. 9994 views Solved: STM32CubeIDE 1.13.0 problem - STMicroelectronics Community
  3. 9600 views STM32CubeIDE 1.12.0 released - STMicroelectronics Community

Top 3  Liked posts in 2023 :

  1. 78 Likes CubeIDE forcing you to login to ST is complete bul... - STMicroelectronics Community
  2. 14 Likes VSCode for STM32 extension 1.0.0 released - STMicroelectronics Community
  3.  9 Likes Solved: STM32C0 MCU brings 32-bit kick to 8-/16-bit cost-s... - STMicroelectronics Community

Top 3  Commented posts in 2023 :

  1. 56 Comments Solved: STM32H747 LCD display issue - STMicroelectronics Community
  2. 52 comments hal_delay() not working - STMicroelectronics Community
  3. 51 comments Hello, I am using STM32F407ZGT6 and have the issue... - STMicroelectronics Community


Thank you for being a part of our journey and for your continued interest in our updates, news, and achievements.
Happy 2024!


ST Employee

@Nawres GHARBI  @Phillip Wolstencroft @Semer CHERNI  @JDoe.2  @Simon.T  @BTurc.2 @PPopo.1 @Aasda.3 

Thank you for the contribution in 2023 and Happy 2024 !

Happy 2024 too!

Chief II

So by far the most liked topic in 2023 is about the bull excrement (the "enjoyable cohesive experience"), which ST forced on users... Congratulations!

But, hey, let's look at what other significant achievements the Cube/HAL team did in 2023:

  • Released the CubeH5 package.

Wow, that's a long list! Can anybody add something else significant?

I think the voting significantly under represents the dislike for the new log-on and tracking for CubeMX, and STM32 Cube Programmer.

I'd also like to see the Feedback scores and responses for the constant pop-up. Honestly I think the Negative Feedback on the squeaky wheels is likely to be a lot more telling than the Positive Kudos / HappyHappyJoyJoy stuff from this dystopian future we've created.

Tips, Buy me a coffee, or three.. PayPal Venmo
Up vote any posts that you find helpful, it shows what's working..

Even in electronics there are rainbow communist, what a crazy times we live in 🙂


Happy no-woke 2024 for ya all !