STM32 VSCode extension (MCUs)

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Forum Posts

New STM32 VSCode extension V2.0.0 released

Changelog Version 2.0.0 V2.0.0 implies a breaking change: CMake project generation has been moved from VS Code to STM32CubeMX v6.11.0 (and later). VS Code solution no longer has dependency on STM32CubeIDE (.cproject-files)VS Code solution no longer r...

STM32 VS Code Extension

I noticed there are no STM32H747xx devices available for project creation from VS Code (it lists only through STM32H743xx). Is there any timeline on getting that device support in VS Code? 

rtalan by Associate III
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Build & Debug only works once

I have setup a project with a Nucleo-STM32F429ZI.I can successfully start the debugging once.But when I press stop (red square in overlay menu) and then "Start Debugging (F5)" (green driangle in the "run and debug" sidebar) again, it hangs at13-targe...

Error: Bad Cmake executale:""

Greetings,I am configuring the STM32 VS Code extension for Visual Studio Code. After configuring the CubeCLT, CubeMX, and STMCUFinder extensions with the corresponding paths in the extension, I create a new project from CubeMX configured as CMake. I ...

luxae by Associate II
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STM32 VS Code Extension Remote Connection

When working in remote connections, such as WSL or docker the STM32 extension can not be activated with the following error:"Cannot activate the 'STM32 VS Code Extension' extension because it depends on the 'C/C++ Extension Pack' extension, which is ...

MAdle.1 by Associate
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Bigger binary/ with CMake

Hello,We considered using the STM32 VScode extension for our next project but encountered a strange issue.In cubeMX, I created an empty project for STM32U5G9J-DK2, with FreeRtos, NeoChrome and everything related.When I built this project with CMake, ...

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