Interface and connectivity ICs

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what are the remaining data in the data array, actually it is 8 bytes, data[0] is for sub command and what are remaining values in 7 indexes?

Here is the structure of packet in this actually it is 8 bytes data buffer but data[0] receiving is subcommand and what are the remaining valuestypedef struct{ MOBLE_ADDRESS peer; MOBLE_ADDRESS dst; MOBLEUINT8 command; MOBLEUINT8 data[DATA_BUFFER_LEN...

Anitha by Associate III
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SPBTLE-1S not working?

Hey everyone.i have connected the following pins from the SPBTLE-1S to the ST Link V2. SPBTLE-1S | ST LInk V2 JTAG connectorVin (pin 5) | VDD (pin 19) & VAPP (pin 1 & 2)GND (pin 8) | GND (pin 16 & 18)SWCLK (pin 12) | SWCLK (pin 9)SWDIO (pin (13) | SW...

0690X000008BZnYQAW.png 0690X000008BZnJQAW.png 0690X000008BZp0QAG.png
astrone by Associate
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