I want to send data(specific data) from one node other nodes or app to node. I want to see those data in while debugging. In which function call( name of the function)it is reading the remote data in the firmware part?In BLE mesh we don't have avail...
Three Bluetooth nodes are available, in that two Bluetooths are within the range of app and one is away from app, through which node it will communicate with third node among two? In the firmware where it will decide? where can I find relay node fu...
Here is the structure of packet in this actually it is 8 bytes data buffer but data[0] receiving is subcommand and what are the remaining valuestypedef struct{ MOBLE_ADDRESS peer; MOBLE_ADDRESS dst; MOBLEUINT8 command; MOBLEUINT8 data[DATA_BUFFER_LEN...
When Loading Firmware to ST2100 with sfwloader.exe, the command prompt shows 'This program cannot be run in DOS mode'.The Host PC is windows 7(32bits). I open the Command Prompt by win+R ,typing cmd command .
Hi, I'm using the example "BLE_SensorDemo_Central" from SDK to design a PoC to scan iBeacons devices.I can't figure out why the scan procedure is too slow. I have two iBeacon devices near by the BlueNRG-1. They are sending iBeacon messages in 3Hz, bu...
Hey everyone.i have connected the following pins from the SPBTLE-1S to the ST Link V2. SPBTLE-1S | ST LInk V2 JTAG connectorVin (pin 5) | VDD (pin 19) & VAPP (pin 1 & 2)GND (pin 8) | GND (pin 16 & 18)SWCLK (pin 12) | SWCLK (pin 9)SWDIO (pin (13) | SW...
I'm sending some data from nRF Connect app to node I want too see that data in firmware debugging. Where can I see that data? I mean in which function call?
I have an issue with an aci_gatt_update_char_value call to update a 20 byte characteristics.So I defined a data struct that holds all my values.typedef struct data { uint16_t var1; uint16_t var2; uint16_t var3; uint32_t var4; uint16_t var5;...
I was wondering if the BlueNRG Tile is sold individually without the dev board?