Update firmware of Wi-Fi module Inventek ISM43362-M3G-L44 (B-L475E-IOT01A Discovery kit)
HiI use B-L475E-IOT01A Discovery kit. I would like to update firmware Wi-Fi module Inventek ISM43362-M3G-L44.Could you advise for me?Thank you
HiI use B-L475E-IOT01A Discovery kit. I would like to update firmware Wi-Fi module Inventek ISM43362-M3G-L44.Could you advise for me?Thank you
In our application spbtle-rf0 is used to communicate with android app. when data is sent, some times it is observed that part of the previous data is transmitted. The data is split into 20 bytes packet. When it is configured as indicate some times t...
In our application spbtle-rf0 is used to communicate with android app. when data is sent, some times it is observed that part of the previous data is transmitted. The data is split into 20 bytes packet. When it is configured as indicate some times...
I followed the "X CUBE BLE1 for STM32CubeMX" webinar/tutorial as well as the documentation in CubeMX, but my STMF401RE with IDB05A1 is not found by the ST BLE Sensor app. Hence, no connection is possible and I cannot try the Bluetooth features.The di...
Hi there,I programmed BlueNRG1 with bluetooth stack in C language. I want to know, about the support of python for BlueNRG1. As now a days, their are many controllers supporting micropython. Is their some sdk available for this SoC.Thanks & RegardsS...
Hi,we have purchased one of these EVALKITST7570-1 for PLC-SFSK interfacing/testing, but we cannot find the 'ST7570 GUI Software' anywhere for this eval kit?I can find it for the EVALKITST8500, a newer version of the chip, will this also work with the...
Hi Community, I have a STREF-SCS001V1 board and I try to create communication with STUSB4500 IC via I2C, but there is no response. I tried to sweep addresses from 0x00 to 0xFF but there is not hit for any address. Also I tried 0x50 and 0x51 alone but...
I am trying to connect dualshock3 to stm32f746zg these months. I heard f7 has pins which fit to Arduino so I bought usb host shield 2.0 (for Arduino) and a bluetooth donglel. I know some people use Arduino Ide and run with this shield.but how can I r...
I'm testing BlueNRG-M0L with BlueNRG_chat example:I connect it to my smartphone but I have continuous random disconnection.Is there a timeout setting? Or update FW? With serial port I read:HWver 49, FWver 1840BLE Stack Initialized.SERVER: BLE Stack I...