STM32CubeProgrammer (MCUs)

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Forum Posts

STM32 ST-Link Utility not working?

So i installed the st-link utility from and did all the installation but when i run it, it tells me there are some .dll files missing. Specifically, these are the errors; 1st error; "The code execution cannot proceed because mfc140.dll was ...

Resolved! ST-LINK,Programmer error:DEV_TARGET_CMD_ERR

helloI used ST link to connect to stm32H743 and reported an error during the Programmer download process:"Error:ST-LINK error(DEV_TARGET_CMD_ERR)“.But,I used j-link to connect to stm32H743 and there were no errors during the stm32IDE download process...

jack-uni by Associate
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STLINK-V3MINIE not recognized by Windows 10

HI,  We have designed a test fixture for a 6 panel PCB in which we use 6 individual STM programmers (STLINK-V3MINIE) and we sometimes see a problem where windows no longer recognizes one of the programmers and we can't get it back (complete system re...

RBerk.1 by Associate III
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