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Wireless Charging solution Wiki

This Topic is used for Wireless Charging solution 1.Mcu C drive code: GitHub - STMicroelectronics/STWirelessCharging-C-Drivers: Standard C platform-independent drivers for wireless charging ICs 2. If your wlc chip i2c is ok but GUI can not connected...

willzhou by ST Employee
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1. What is the different between STC3115 and STC3117?STC3117 is an improved version of STC3115.See the differences between both parts in the attached document. (STC3117_vs_STC3115_comparison.pdf)2. How often is measured the temperature?STC3117 measur...

Resolved! Need help setting up STEVAL-3DP001V1

Hello,I got this board and connected power and could not see any activity on the ST-LINK USB port (J11). I installed the drivers and used 115200,8,N,1, no flow control. There's no startup message or response to CR or serial echo.I can connect to the ...

Jim1 by Associate II
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LDLN025 stop behaving as expected.

Hi!The company I work for have a product that uses the LDLN025 LDO regulator. The LDO drives an SIGFOX module, a couple of pullup resistors that goes to a always-powered uC and to a ST25DV64K IC. All of them has 100nF decoupling capacitors + a 22uF o...

FERD20L60C, Using this product in a simple 3ph rectifier and find that the diodes show conduction in both directions using a commercial quality DMM, but only in one direction using a higher quality meter, why?

FERD20L60C, Using this product in a simple 3ph rectifier and find that the diodes show conduction in both directions using a commercial quality DMM, Behave as one would expect using a higher quality meter, why?Using two inexpensive, but not junk DMM...

ANels.2 by Associate
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