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Wireless Charging solution Wiki

This Topic is used for Wireless Charging solution 1.Mcu C drive code: GitHub - STMicroelectronics/STWirelessCharging-C-Drivers: Standard C platform-independent drivers for wireless charging ICs 2. Python drive code, check attach file "Python_FT260_S...

willzhou_0-1717985741931.png willzhou_1-1734156149269.png willzhou_0-1734155900141.png
willzhou by ST Employee
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Change the internal resistance of "2STBN15D100"

The internal resistance of "2STBN15D100" is described in the datasheet as shown below.By the way, if you actually measure the resistance between Base(1) and Emitter(3), it will measure around 12K ohm.I think that the data sheet will measure around 8K...

GShin.1 by Associate
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It appeared that nobody answer on spv1050 questions.. I had same problem as ask before : could not activate ldo if there are no charge ! even if battery is full! This is crazy! Also boost buck not working as expected.

Well, I have a lipoly single cell and ixolar solar cell from iXys (Vmpp = 4.3v) connect to the spv1050.Buck boost not working correctly, efficiently is worst bad. (I got onlt a fraction of Amp from a direct connection to my battery!)it is impossible ...

Efian.1 by Associate II
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CS pin information

I suceed to have information on CS pin like short to VCC, Loss of GND. I havn't information like open load detection, or short to ground.I For open load detecion : I use external pull-up resistor Rpull_up as describe in datasheet and the motor driver...

MEVAN.1 by Associate
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