Power management

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LED1642GW Daisy Chain Problems

I have the LED1642GW in a daisy chain configuration I have 16 chips in chain.  If I try to set any other chip than the first directly it does not turn on, however if I set the first chip and then set it again it carries over to the 2nd chip and I mus...


Resolved! ALED6001 analog Dimming instable at discontinuity points

Hi, I did a PCB based on the ALED6001 and using the eDesign Suite.I want to use analog dimming only and wired it up similar than in the STEVAL-ILL072V1.Best case i wanted to achieve a 0-100% dimming but it was clear that, due to that curve provided i...

Knochi by Associate II
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L6599AD eDesignSuite

我想为 L6599AD 设计 LLC 参数,但我找不到设计工具。在 eDesignSuite 上未找到任何设计条目。你能告诉我这是哪个参数设计工具吗?

andyqin by Associate
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STCMB1 Second Level OCP Protection and Auxiliary Circuit

Hi,I am curious that how can ı choose electrolytic capacitor of auxiliary circuit? Firstly, I used 10uF electrolytic capacitor at Vcc pin.When I short circuit the output, the HB mosfets has failed.Then I notice that STCMB1 datasheet mention this topi...

MNafi by Associate
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Resolved! LED1202QTR

Hello ST Team,We are observing that LEDs are minor glowing, during turn off condition due to leakage current. As per our application we are not not using any PWM configuration for LEDs. We are just making LEDs turn ON/OFF as per application requireme...

kadam_0-1713076004679.png kadam_1-1713076048300.png
kadam by Associate II
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ALED1262ZT burn OTP I2C address

We've developed prototype board with 3 pcs AL1262ZT (https://www.st.com/en/power-management/aled1262zt.html). As a 'fresh device' it has 0x40 I2C address and it's need to specify unique addr (0x42, 0x44, 0x46) by burn OTP register. Our procedure: 1. ...

owiec by Associate
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Resolved! Controlling WS2812B LED Strip With STM32

Hello,I'm new to STM32 and trying to learn exciting stuff. I want to light a single LED from my WS2812B strip. For example I will choose 6th LED on my computer and 6th LED on strip will light up.But I'm not sure where to start. How can I access to si...

salvi.a by Associate II
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Disabling open load detection in L99LDLH32 driver

Hi, I am using the L99LDLH32 driver in an application in which some of the output pins of the driver are in open load, the problem is that in this way an open load fault is generated by the driver, deactivating all the output channels. Is it possible...