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Wireless Charging solution Wiki

This Topic is used for Wireless Charging solution 1.Mcu C drive code: GitHub - STMicroelectronics/STWirelessCharging-C-Drivers: Standard C platform-independent drivers for wireless charging ICs 2. If your wlc chip i2c is ok but GUI can not connected...

willzhou by ST Employee
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L6470H disc board communication problem

Posted on September 08, 2015 at 07:18 hi i got a L6470H disc board and try to run the source code from (dSPIN_Firmware_Library_STM32) and (dSPIN Discovery Kit) project both of them get SPI communication fail: any read of spi get 0xFF, the board...


PowerSTEP01 Firmware Library... where is it?!?

Posted on July 29, 2015 at 07:49Hi,I've been looking for the pwoerstep01 firmware library, searched on '' http://www.st.com/web/en/catalog/tools/FM147/SC1858 '' .I'm sure there is one, because on my steval pcc092V2 SPINFamily Evaluation Software the...


Posted on June 24, 2015 at 09:56Hi, The L6480 evaluation board (EVAL6480H) is driven by STM32F4 discovery (STM32F4DISCOVERY).The SPI comunication works only without CRC: is it correct?On the contrary CRC is used in the dimostrative FW of  STM32F103....

L6470H disc board communication problem

Posted on July 24, 2015 at 04:18hii got a L6470H disc board and try to run the source code from (dSPIN_Firmware_Library_STM32) and (dSPIN Discovery Kit) project both of them get SPI communication fail: any read of spi get 0xFF, the board is new and ...

tech problem with L6470H disc board

Posted on July 23, 2015 at 09:59Hi, i get start to test a L6470H discovery board and got some problems:1.i try to connect board and pc with usb cable but it shows unknow device in windows device manager in win7-64bit but works fine in win xp 32bit.(...

L6470H disc board problem

Posted on September 06, 2015 at 05:49hi, i bought a 6470h disc board and found a problem that spi communication always fail, whatever spi command send from mcu the driver always back 0xff. and i checked spi signal with oscilloscope, the only thing i...

Implement Emergency Stop on L6470

Posted on September 01, 2015 at 22:16HI, I am using an L6470 and have a situation where I must stop motion immediately if an obstruction (think someone's hand) crosses an IR beam. Motion must stop immediately and not via any commands since there can...

spelger by Associate II
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Posted on July 21, 2015 at 20:55I need some help on a drive controller that I designed that uses two L6482's. The problemis sometimes while running, one motor will shut off. Reading the status register shows an over current condition. The testing cu...

rengholm by Associate II
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