Wireless Charging solution Wiki
This Topic is used for Wireless Charging solution 1.Mcu C drive code: GitHub - STMicroelectronics/STWirelessCharging-C-Drivers: Standard C platform-independent drivers for wireless charging ICs
This Topic is used for Wireless Charging solution 1.Mcu C drive code: GitHub - STMicroelectronics/STWirelessCharging-C-Drivers: Standard C platform-independent drivers for wireless charging ICs
Posted on February 18, 2016 at 11:40We have an issue related your stepper motor controller L6470.We are working with two of your evaluation boards: EVAL6470H-DISC and EVAL6470PD and we had two critical situations with two boards, one of each. In tho...
Posted on February 11, 2016 at 13:22Hi,I have a question regarding L6470 protection. Are any protection diodes needed on the L6470 outputs?The datasheet doesn't mention any protection and the evaluation boards doesn't have any. This is the case also...
Posted on January 25, 2016 at 10:29Questions on STEVAL-IHM038V1 We are planning to design a BLDC ceiling fan controller board based on the STEVAL-IHM038V1 evaluation board. (http://www.st.com/web/en/catalog/tools/PF255633) We have some technical q...
Posted on October 21, 2014 at 15:30hello, I have a EVAL6480H board and try to connect it with a Atmel Xmega. But on the SDO line is always the Byte which I send before on SDI. Does I Need to make some initalisation before start a communication? I c...
Posted on January 22, 2016 at 08:00Hi I have the STEVAL-IHM032V1 and STEVAL-IHM039V1.The motor is T-motor U8. I have configure the U8 through ST Motor Control Workbeach. The Keil has build success.But the motor is not work. I use the Oscilloscope to...
Posted on January 19, 2016 at 22:10Help determine the marking voltage regulator. Designation on board IC 995.
Posted on January 05, 2016 at 12:21The documentation for the IHM001 should more clearly state that the included nucleoF302R8 is NOT the standard nucleo with that processor!Because I didn't want to ''break'' the included nucleo and demo app (I could...
Posted on November 16, 2015 at 16:16Hi everyone,I'm using the following evaluation boards: - STM32303C-EVAL - STEVAL-IHM023V3I'm trying to make FOC algorithm for ACIM. The whole FW is written by myself excluding the standard peripheral lib fro...
Posted on January 08, 2016 at 20:26Hello,Does anybody have experience of using either of the IGBT based dimmer circuits described in ST application note AN 518 and user manual UM 1597 for the SERVAL-ILD004V1 leading edge dimmer evaluation board.I wo...
Posted on November 12, 2015 at 10:50hi, i want to know where can i get the source code for eval-L6470 board default firmware? i got fwpspin_discoveryboard_v205.hex file, it work but shows error light i want to trace the error so i need the source co...