B‑LCDAD‑HDMI1 and STM32MP257F-EV1 and STM32MP2Starter
Hello,Would the B‑LCDAD‑HDMI1 adapter board work "out of the box" to connect a HDMI display to the STM32MP257F-EV1 running STM32MP2Starter ?
Hello,Would the B‑LCDAD‑HDMI1 adapter board work "out of the box" to connect a HDMI display to the STM32MP257F-EV1 running STM32MP2Starter ?
Hello, I am wondering can the ST Linux Starter Package(or indeed any of the STLinux packages) be interacted with via a command line via serial port and if so how would this be set up ? as the additional display for this board is unavailable to me.
Hi,I use "Develop on Arm Cortex-A7" -> "Install the SDK".It re-direction me to "https://docs.yoctoproject.org/4.2.4/singleindex.html#build-host-packages".When I follow this, I got error message: "Unable to locate package libegl1-mesa".How I can fix t...
Hello,I have 8 pairs of public and private keys with the hashes of each public key and I would like to calculate the associated PKHTH value without necessarily using the STM32MP_KeyGen_CLI tool (for integration with our manufacturing tool).I tried to...
Hello.I am a developer working with the STM32MP135F-DK.I have a question, so I’m reaching out like this.I would like to modify the st-machine-flashlayout-extensible-stm32mp.inc file in the machine folder to add the following line to the TSV file:PE 0...
I have installed OpenSTLinux SDK + Sources (linux, tf-a, u-boot, optee-os) on a STM32CubeIDE project.I have compiled optee-os for my custom board, but it did not work so well for tf-a.This is clearly a bug because I cannot add "i2c2_pin_a" into the ....
Hi in my custom board (stm32mp157f) i removed the IC (STUSB1600). and i try to flash the images on sd card through the USB (DFU mode using cubeprogrammer). and it works,but while flashing the images i saw to logs. CPU: STM32MP157DAC Rev.ZModel: STMic...
HiIn my custom board (stm32mp157F) i added the JTAG , i try to connect JTAG for flashing the firmware into the M4 processor, i change the boot pins as Engineering mode, but not connected to cub programmer as well as cube IDE.i attached the screenshot...
Hi, I am trying to run spidev on the stm32mp157f-dk2 using python and I have set my SPI4 max frequency above 40MHz, but I can't seem to run it more than 16MHz. I have checked the clock tree configurations and the device tree configuration; I seem to ...
Hello @Erwan SZYMANSKI I hope your week started well.I think the script didn’t work because I couldn't adjust the paths correctly. Could you please assist me in finding the correct paths and adjusting my script accordingly? # !/bin/sh export QSG_...