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Watchdog Panic Debugging

Associate II


on my STM32MP157C / kirkstone 5.15.145 i'm currently debugging an issue which ends up in a panic handled by OPTEE:


E/TC:0 Panic 'Watchdog' at ?:0


at least i can reproduce it quickly by causing traffic on SPI (connected to a BMA280 ).



spi_stm32 44009000.spi: stm32h7_spi_read_rxfifo: 0 bytes left (sr=0000100a)
spi_stm32 44009000.spi: disable controller
spi_stm32 44009000.spi: stm32_spi_can_dma: false
spi_stm32 44009000.spi: stm32_spi_can_dma: false
spi_stm32 44009000.spi: disable controller
spi_stm32 44009000.spi: cpol=0 cpha=0 lsb_first=0 cs_high=0
spi_stm32 44009000.spi: stm32_spi_can_dma: false
spi_stm32 44009000.spi: stm32_spi_can_dma: false
spi_stm32 44009000.spi: stm32_spi_can_dma: false
spi_stm32 44009000.spi: transfer communication mode set to 1
spi_stm32 44009000.spi: data frame of 8-bit, data packet of 1 data frames
spi_stm32 44009000.spi: speed set to 12500000Hz
spi_stm32 44009000.spi: transfer of 1 bytes (1 data frames)
spi_stm32 44009000.spi: dma disabled
spi_stm32 44009000.spi: enable controller
spi_stm32 44009000.spi: stm32h7_spi_write_txfifo: 0 bytes left
spi_stm32 44009000.spi: disable controller
spi_stm32 44009000.spi: stm32_spi_can_dma: false
spi_stm32 44009000.spi: transfer communication mode set to 2
spi_stm32 44009000.spi: data frame of 8-bit, data packet of 4 data frames
spi_stm32 44009000.spi: speed set to 12500000Hz
spi_stm32 44009000.spi: transfer of 6 bytes (6 data frames)
spi_stm32 44009000.spi: dma disabled
spi_stm32 44009000.spi: enable controller
spi_stm32 44009000.spi: stm32h7_spi_read_rxfifo: 2 bytes left (sr=00012002)
E/TC:0 Panic 'Watchdog' at ?:0


I configured to use IWDG2 in NS context:


// kernel DTS and TF-A DTS
	status = "okay";

	/* USER CODE BEGIN iwdg2 */
	timeout-sec = <32>;
	/* USER CODE END iwdg2 */


Of course it would be perfect to get hints for the SPI issue;-)  But my more generic question is: HOW can we get more details, e.g. a stack trace of the blocking situation. Can i somehow move the handling of the Watchdog into the non-secure context to be able to dump the stack?