Power management

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Wireless Charging solution Wiki

This Topic is used for Wireless Charging solution 1.Mcu C drive code: GitHub - STMicroelectronics/STWirelessCharging-C-Drivers: Standard C platform-independent drivers for wireless charging ICs 2. Python drive code, check attach file "Python_FT260_S...

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willzhou by ST Employee
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Measuring DC power using STPM32 evaluation board

Posted on December 20, 2016 at 21:35Hello,I am currently developing a device to measure AC or DC current on the same channel, depending on what type of voltage source the end user decides to connect to that channel.We are thinking of using the STPM ...

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VIPER06LS goes into Over Current after being normal

Posted on December 17, 2016 at 16:45Hello,I used the online tool to create a 15V / 230mA out design using the Viper06LS and followed the same including the components suggestions. The circuit seemed to perform almost perfectly and the output was con...

Phase controlled Rectifier

Posted on July 19, 2013 at 05:44How to Control the SCR with Microcontroller. I dont want to mix the Digital Signal Ground with the High Voltage Ground. But the SCR will need the Gate current in uA w.r.t its Cathode. But I couldnot connect the Cathod...


Increase the Power capabilities of STEVAL-ILD004V1

Posted on October 12, 2015 at 20:29I need to support a 2-wire 500W dimmer instead of just a 300W dimmer at 110VAC 60Hz US. What are the power limiting components of the ST Dev Kit? The 2 1N5404 diodes are only rated for 3A which would be 360W. Is th...

LD39130SPUR Adj resistor values

Posted on November 30, 2016 at 23:34What is the formula for Vo vs ADJ? Or in other words, how should R1 and R2 be chosen to get a specific output voltage?The data sheet, DocID025199 Rev 2, does not appear to include the necessary formula or ratio.