STM32 MPUs Embedded software and solutions

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Forum Posts

Resolved! Linux kernel on STM32MP157F

Hi,I am using the STM32MP157F-DK2 MPU for a Linux project. Exactly, I am interested in Linux-RT. Browsing in the Internet, it is said that only is necessary applying a patch in the kernel. The patch file uses the command "git diff", but is not instal...

OBaselga by Associate III
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Resolved! EV1 & MB1379 Performance

Hello ST Teams!I'd like to know if someone have ever tried to get 1920*1080*30fps with the configuration above (STM32MP157C-EV1 and MB1379 board). We'd like to achieve this performance, OV5640 datasheet camera says "ok for me"v4l2 listing capabiliti...

Eldam by Senior
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Hi, I have built the OpenSTLinux distribution according to your wiki guide (

I want to populate the distribution to an SD-card and mount it in STM32MP157A-DK1 according to this link: host PC is a virtual machine ...

JMour.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! OpenAMP_FreeRTOS example vs Cube Project - Why is the Cube project putting the init for IPCC and OpenAMP is the else section of the Is_Engineering_Boot_Mode() if statement?

I created a project using CUBEIDE for STM32MP157C-DK2 and set all peripherals to initialize. I enabled FreeRTOS and then started porting over the example code in in the Projects folder for the OpenAMP_FreeRTOS_echo application. It is all compiling ...

Resolved! "ums 0 mmc 0" doesn't work

Hello,I can't use the "ums" command via terminalprog (minicom)Message is always"STM32MP> ums 0 mmc 0UMS: LUN 0, dev 0, hwpart 0, sector 0x0, count 0x1dacc00Please connect USB cable. "After 60 seconds: "USB cable not detected. Command exit."Communicat...

MEige by Associate II
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