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Hello , Is it possible to use USB Type C for charging and Power as First Priority when the Wireless Charging and battery is active respectively?Or a hardware switch or firmware is needed for this?Also please suggest the corresponding ST USB IC and wi...
Hello , This question belongs more to IAR community but still asking it .I was checking this project of OpenAMP : STM32Cube\Repository\STM32Cube_FW_MP1_V1.6.0\Projects\STM32MP157C-DK2\Applications\OpenAMP\OpenAMP_TTY_echo\STM32CubeIDE\CM4\DebugIt has...
Hello, How to fix this error in latest STM32Cube IDE I am getting the attached error.Regards,p
Hello , I am trying to interface STM32(master) with raspberry PI 4B(slave)I am first referring the example and checking if there is any slave transmitter example in the STM32F4 code repo.In every STM32 SPI example i have seen there are three folders ...
Hello, I am using FP-IND-PREDMNT1 and new to this . From the data website it says it is used for time and frequency domain signal processing and analysis of 3D digital accelerometers with flat bandwidth up to 6 kHz. I wanted to know if is it possible...