I want to create my own distro for OpenSTLinux but it seems like the envsetup.sh file is dependent on the distro.conf file being located in the meta-st directory. This is a little hard because I am trying to not modify the meta-st layer but am trying...
When I run bitbake openocd-stm32mp-native I get an issue baking the application but when I run bitbake openocd-stm32mp it works fine. Any thoughts why this might be?Edit: I was porting my layer from dunfel to kirkstone and I wasn't importing the open...
I have the following DTS file and I have not been able to get the GPIO external interrupt working correctly. I have read this document on interrupt overviews, and tried to enable the EXTI to have control of the GPIOB pin 12. /dts-v1/; #include "stm...
On ecosystem 4.1 and git version 2.39.1 there is an error when you do devtool modify tf-a-stm32mp and bitbake tf-a-stm32mp. The error is Command '['git', 'submodule--helper', 'list']' returned non-zero exit status 128. After a bit of searching there ...
I would like to set the low-power timer as wake up source to wake up the Linux from sleep mode with some periodic time, let's see every 5 minutes. All I have found is pwm and counter examples here: https://wiki.st.com/stm32mpu/wiki/LPTIM_device_tree_...
I've tried following the examples given here and here, but it will not work. I just want to enable a pull up resistor in the DTS file. Here is my DTS file. If anyone can please tell me why it's not working I would appreciate it. /dts-v1/; #include ...
I want to generete interrupt for specific value of TIM->CNT TIM1->DIER |= TIM_IT_CC1; TIM1->CCR1 = myVal;I use only above. if(TIM_GetITStatus(TIM1,TIM_IT_CC1) != RESET){ //when interrupt generete here ,CCR1 is not equal my value } I'm so confused w...
Can some one help me to know what would be the default factory OTP settings on the processor - STM32MP157FAA1 - or should it be set by the User? Does the Default Comes with SDMMC1 set for the Boot?If I need to change from SDMMC1 to SDMMC2 as the Pri...
Hi,We want to boot cortex M4 from cortex A7 in baremetal in RETRAM. We have followed below steps 1.we are setting BOOT MCU bit in RCC global control register(Offset :0x10C). 2.I am restting MCURST bit in RCC global reset control set register(offset:...