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Wireless Charging solution Wiki

This Topic is used for Wireless Charging solution 1.Mcu C drive code: GitHub - STMicroelectronics/STWirelessCharging-C-Drivers: Standard C platform-independent drivers for wireless charging ICs 2. If your wlc chip i2c is ok but GUI can not connected...

willzhou by ST Employee
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Resolved! WLC poller/listener development boards or and app notes

I am lost and confused between the wireless charging topic when it comes to development boards. Which ones should we order in order to test the working principle of the wireless up to 1W charging?Is ST25R3911B-DISCO the one to use as the WLC-Poller? ...

Val by Associate
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Resolved! Need help IDing a TVS

I have a PCA with a blown TVS. The markings are: ST e3 G3BA◇YZ521I've seen TVS datasheets with markings starting with 3BA, but the diamond symbol is throwing me off. Can you assist?


Disabling open load detection in L99LDLH32 driver

Hi, I am using the L99LDLH32 driver in an application in which some of the output pins of the driver are in open load, the problem is that in this way an open load fault is generated by the driver, deactivating all the output channels. Is it possible...

Searching for spice simulation model

Hello, I'm currently in need of a SPICE simulation model for the USB PD controller TPS65987DDHRSHR. Would it be possible for you to provide me with this model? Your assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

nesrine12 by Associate III
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・VNH7040AYTR の耐プリント板曲げ性の耐久力をご教授下さい。社内で生産した製品にて2,000~3,000μSTのひずみが確認されました。良品としての使用権を検討したいため、上記の素子のどこまでのひずみが耐えられるのかご教授下さい。

Ushigeki by Associate
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Resolved! STSW-GMBL02V1 cannot connect

Hi Team.I'm trying to connect STEVAL-GMBL02V1 board with STSW-GMBL02V1 control application.The cursor icon becomes a standby animation, but I cannot connect.I connected using the following steps:supply 8V of power to the STEVAL-GMBL02V1 board.connect...

Kenji1 by Senior
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Resolved! SPV1050 charge current

For the SPV1050, what is the charge current to the battery? Can I set the current?Also, I would like to verify that when there is no voltage input to the SPV1050 that the two LDOs are off or not operating.

vinsongo by Associate
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Resolved! IMDS data

Hello support team,our customer HELAG ELECTRONIC GMBH, IMDS ID: 28796, needs the IMDS data for below product: VNN1NV04PTR-E, Rutronik article number: ICIFP45227.Thank you. Ileana Keges

IKege.1 by Associate
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