Power management

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Wireless Charging solution Wiki

This Topic is used for Wireless Charging solution 1.Mcu C drive code: GitHub - STMicroelectronics/STWirelessCharging-C-Drivers: Standard C platform-independent drivers for wireless charging ICs 2. Python drive code, check attach file "Python_FT260_S...

willzhou by ST Employee
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Speed Control according to DT0001

Posted on March 11, 2015 at 10:54Hi, the application note DT0001 suggests controlling the motor speed by using the FWD/REV pin with a duty cycle. Though this sounds very promising especially for feed-back controller design I was wondering what happe...

stepper motor

Posted on May 18, 2015 at 06:33HiI want to select a stepper motor for my project. I use L6470 IC drive.I�m new in motor working. I need a bipolar 2 phase stepper motor with minimum voltage 8 volt. Is it correct? Could you guide me in choosing a corr...

yasamin by Associate II
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PowerStep01 Register Address and SYNC signal

Posted on June 05, 2015 at 16:53Hi,    We have a couple boards with Powerstep01 engineering preview ICs.   We can get the motor up and spinning, but we ran into a few issues.  First, the register address for CONFIG and STATUS do not match the curren...

pitchaya by Associate
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L6470 SW Input Functionality

Posted on May 26, 2015 at 13:40When the SW input to the L6470 chip is pulled LOW (by a switch closure or a LOW output from a logic circuit), is the ReleaseSW command the only way to move the motor?  Are all of the other constant speed commands, abso...

charlie by Associate II
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L6230 output problem

Posted on May 28, 2015 at 14:12 Greetings, We are using this component in a board with a STM32F103CB with FOC firmware 4.0, the parameters code are generated via most recent Motor Control Workbench. The 6 PWM signals are well generated, and the L623...

afcaball by Associate
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Configuring SPI HAL driver to control L6482H

Posted on May 14, 2015 at 07:49Hello,I need a right SPI configuration and Send_Receive_byte() funtion for using with STM32F4, STM32CubeMX 4.7.0 and HAL drivers... Does anyone have it? I have a project running fine with STM32F4xx StdPeriph_Driver V1....

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val_ltd by Associate II
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Spice libs L4984D | STW62NM60N | STTH3006DPI

Posted on May 19, 2015 at 09:25Hi, i am not sure if this is the correct forum, but i am searching for the libraries for the following products: L4984D STW62NM60N STTH3006DPI Are there any .lib available for LTSpice or PSpice and can you please post ...

jherzog by Associate
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