Wireless Charging solution Wiki
This Topic is used for Wireless Charging solution 1.Mcu C drive code: GitHub - STMicroelectronics/STWirelessCharging-C-Drivers: Standard C platform-independent drivers for wireless charging ICs
This Topic is used for Wireless Charging solution 1.Mcu C drive code: GitHub - STMicroelectronics/STWirelessCharging-C-Drivers: Standard C platform-independent drivers for wireless charging ICs
Hello, I have an issue with the L6699. The controller initiates the start-up sequence but after a few pulses it stops permanently.I describe the application first:Vin=385VVout=39 to 60 VTransformer magnetization inductance Lm=127uHResonant tank induc...
Dear Community,I was desinged a SMPS for my circuit which belowed picture. Its working on 110V AC and not any problem. But when I connect it to 220V AC output voltage is going down slowly and about 1 minute later its go to shutdown. I can not find an...
We are using Part.no: L9396 for Wheel Speed Sensor circuit Designing and we chosen the same part , in that referred some documents for designing .which is provided on online and STMicroelectronics website. But we need some more clarity to designin...
I'd like to use L9963E to measure the AC impedance of the battery at 1 kHz. It requires applying 100 mA current at 1 kHz to the battery and measuring the voltage at 1 kHz, probably with 10 kSample/second or more. Is it possible? Or should I use anot...
Hello There! I have bought EVAL- SCS001V1 sink device for my application in which I need the output as 12V/2A from the mentioned sink device. I came across below problems and I seek help on it. 1) Problem related to STSW-STUSB002 GUI version 2.0. The...
Hello!Does anybody happen to know that of the shelf transformer would be fitting for a 65W isolated AC/DC flyback converter based on VIPERGAN65 ? I can not find any recomenndation in the documentation of the EVLVIPGAN65PD evaluation board.I would als...
Hello Team, We want to use your EVALSTDRIVE101 kit to drive our BLDC motor in sensored and sensorless mode. As given in the overview this board can be integrated with any STM32 microcontroller but can you suggest which STM32 board we can buy so that...
Hello,I have a board with an ST component in SMB housing (a diode?) marked BL6, next line GP 733. What part number could this be?
Hello, I checked the L9961 datasheet for information on the cell voltage protection function, but couldn't find the operating voltage. Other products usually provide Over Voltage Protection (OVP) for cells, but in the case of L9961, only the cell me...
Hi All,I'm working on driving sensorless BLDC motor by 120 degrees trapezoidal control.I'm stuck on to get back-emf voltage like below figure:My result is like this.And the circuit used for voltage sens part is as follow.I don't know if it's a circui...