Hello, I have dual core STM32MP157F-EV evaluation kit. I can connect via ST-link and install an application (This is installing on M4). And when I press the reset button, the application is deleted because the M4 core is RAM. I want it to work again ...
Building the yocto image for honister release for STM32MP157F-DK2 board.
HiWe are using SEEED studio 102110318 module which uses STM32MP157CAC3 processor. We want to know if there is any way we can keep processor pin PD13 pin to low state in suspend state. We want the pin to maintain low state while in sleep mode. We have...
Hi,we are using a coin cell to supply the internal RTC of an STM32MP157 when our system is unpowered.This works as expected - as long as the external supply is off. As soon as the system is powered on, the battery is discharged with >20µA.Observing t...
Hi Everybody,I would like to completely boot kernel 5.10-dunfell (last year) from a 64MB dataflash (nor0). No mmc0 or nand0. Compiled the correct DTS with TF-A, U-Boot and kernel, I would like to use the following TSV for STM32CubeProgrammer:#Opt ...
Custom PCB, STM32MP157C chip. Linux 5.7.10. Buildroot build. No issues - Linux boots to console prompt without trouble, no errors. I can view device registers and all memory regions using Segger Jlink via SWD in both SPL and UBoot. Once Linux starts ...
Hallo in our company we use for a large Project a STM32 MP153a microprocessor. Currently I'm trying to write a Device Driver for the TDK ICM42688P Mems Gyro. We have connected the Gyro trough I2C with the Cortex M4 core within the MPU. Both devices a...
Hi @Community member , Is there any common Linux image available for accelerating STM32MP1 based SoM, irrespective of eMMC (JEDEC Version 5.0/5.1 Complying) & DDR3 manufacturer.