STM32 MPUs Embedded software and solutions

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FFmpeg and v4l2 issue.

Hiii, i am using STM32mp257f-ev1 , in this board i installed chromium and its working properly but when i was tried to run url on chrome its cause some ffmpeg related issue like pixel format unsupported. I tried to add use_ffmpeg=true and use_v4l2=tr...

tmpfs /run full OpenStLinux

On dev board STM32MP157f-dk2, I ran application in Qt, several gauges and measurements on DSI display... Next I connected CAN device to board and when a lot of frames arrive, appear a problem with tmpfs /run full ,like below:What can I do with this ?

ienecode by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32MP157 and boot2Qt

Hi,I'm trying to learn programming STM32MP157 with qt library using boot2qt module.I flashed microSD card using boot2qt module, prepared and employed samlpe project from qt Creator to STM32MP157. - this works fine.Now I would like to control interfac...

ienecode by Associate III
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eMMC Flash from SD Card

Hi all, I want to flash my EMMC using sd card? Do you have any guide or useful link for this?I have used Variscite SoM before and I was able to do it using script generated from yocto.How can I do this on STM32MP13X series? Regards