I did a repo sync to see if there are new version but did not worked after I stopped compiling, started again and it began where it left but moving really slow that particular task.
When we tried the shutdown command ( shutdown -hP now ) from the debug console, all the PMIC regulators are turned off, except for the BUCK3 VDD regulator used for IO.Both our custom board which uses STPMIC1E and the STM32MP157F-eval board which has ...
Hello,I try to install the distribution package usingrepo init -u https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/oe-manifest.git -b refs/tags/openstlinux-5.15-yocto-kirkstone-mp1-v22.06.15as described in the wiki, before that made sure to install all packages...
Is there a walk-through or example of how to setup secure boot using a custom device tree?As a side note, the following page returns "Permission Error", is that expected behaviour?https://wiki.st.com/stm32mpu/wiki/STM32MP15_secure_boot
Hello,When I tried using fseek and getc functions for my project the MP1 failed to execute their code. The execution stops at lines that contain __IO_acquire_lock(fp) and __IO_need_lock(fp) macros and then terminates in the fseek and getc functions r...
Is HAL_UARTEx_ReceiveToIdle_DMA supported on STM32MP15 products? If so is there an example for using it?
I've changed the ownership of the /usr/lib/python3.8 file from root to <myname> but did not solved the problem. Here is the whole error:ERROR: Command execution failed: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/gencay/STM32MPU_workspace/openstli...
Using hexdump /dev/input/event1, you can see the data changes. when I use ts_ test command, "open fbdevice: no such file or directory" will appear. Please help me, I really don't know how to configure it.I am sure that the touch screen monitoring is ...
Hi! I am trying to enable PTP on STM32F157 DK2 evaluation board. From my understanding, pps_available should return 1, (if configured correctly). root@stm32mp1:~# cat /sys/class/ptp/ptp0/pps_available 0 I added "linuxptp" to the image: IMAGE_I...