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Knowledge Base Articles

How to check compatibility on USB ULPI transceivers with STM32 MCUs

Introduction Some external USB HS PHYs compatible through the ULPI interface are detailed in Table 12, compatible USB HS PHY in AN4879. However, not all transceivers could be listed in the application note. Compatibility checking is necessary before...

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FBL by ST Employee
  • 5 kudos

Custom Signal generation using PWM and DMA

The purpose of this article is to explain how to generate a custom signal, a sine wave in this case, using an STM32 Microcontroller’s DMA controller and a PWM output from a timer. Although this example uses the NUCLEO-H745ZI-Q, the same steps can be ...

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How to program STM32 Option Bytes with the HAL API

Although it is possible to program the option bytes through a debugger with a tool like STM32CubeProgrammer, there are many times where it is necessary or helpful to program the options bytes in the runtime of the application. The STM32 HAL libraries...


Jump to bootloader from application on STM32H7 devices

In STM32H7, the base address of system memory is different from the entry point of the bootloader.  Thus, in order to jump to the bootloader, address "0x1FF09800" should be used instead of "0x1FFF0000".  Below, you find a sample code permitting the j...

How to use semihosting with STM32CubeIDE and STM32

Summary Semihosting can be used to enable code running on STM32 to communicate with the host computer during a debug session. This makes it possible to use host computer I/O (for example keyboard, display, or file system) instead of having such input...

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LauraCx by ST Employee
  • 4 kudos

How to use FileX with eMMC for file system management

Summary This article guides you on how to use FileX, a fully compliant FAT library for media storage and file system management with eMMC. In this example, the selected hardware is an STM32U5A9-DK board featuring anintegrated eMMC card readily avail...

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How to use the STM32 ADC's internal reference voltage

Introduction In some applications, specifically battery-powered ones, it is common for the supply voltage to drop as the battery discharges. Sometimes, both VDDA and VREF+ is powered directly by the battery. The problem with this is if the VDDA is b...

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How to make an efficient bit-bang driver on STM32

Introduction This article discusses the theory behind making a bit-bang driver as efficient as possible. In the bottom of this article, I have attached a single header file based bit-bang SPI controller mode 0 driver. 1. Pros and cons of a bit-bang ...