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Mipi-dsi display problem

1,What is the reason for setting the display frequency to 50HZ instead of 60HZ?2, I designed a circuit board, using mipi to HDMI chip, and found that using 60HZ frequency to drive the display will jitter.

Yli.8 by Associate II
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Reset MPU independently of MCU

Hello.I want to reset MPU core(s) while MCU is running firmware. Such reset shouldn't stop MCU.I can make electrical changes if it can be achieved with power control. Or maybe it can be possible to use PWR (or some other) registers?

alexey.b by Associate II
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Resolved! sound alarm - stm32mp157c-dk2

I want to use sound alarm in my M4 program or on A7 Linux side.It can be any kind of sound (beep...etc).What should I do ?Which external pheriperal can I buy , or is it possible to do it with internal pheriperals on the board and how ?tnx

IYetk by Associate III
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stm32mp157c-dk2 Linux rebooting after 30sec

Hi,I'm trying to learn world of embedded linux by trial and error, so I got myself STM32MP157c-dk2.I have followed the instructions from here: here:

valtteri by Associate II
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Resolved! Arduino connector - stm32mp157-dk2

Hi,I am working with stm32mp157-dk2. Arduino connector CN16-pin5 is giving 5v.How can I switch on/off this pin in my M4 program ?I couldn't find a solution or example, could you please help me ?

IYetk by Associate III
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The new unofficial Yocto Project BSP for STM32MP1

Koan is proud to provide the unofficial Yocto Project BSP for STM32MP1 based boards.This project is not endorsed nor supported by ST.ST OpenSTLinux is based on OE, our BSP extends the use of ST meta layers with Yocto, using latest commits on the bran...

koan by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32MP Computing Module Request

I was thinking that it would really useful if there was a ready to use Raspberry-Pi computing module look alike STM32MP board which could be used in development of user applications.The reason is because although ST has designed MP series to be optim...

Resolved! proper way to read /dev/ttyrpmsg0

Hi,I am executing echo_tty_echo example and trying to get the messages coming from m4 inside qt program as follows:   QString line;   QStringList list1;   char buff[100];   while (1) {       QProcess::execute("echo hello > /dev/ttyRPMSG0");       QFi...

IYetk by Associate III
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