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spread spectrum on STM32MP1

Hi,I have to use the spread spectrum on PLL4 on STM32MP1I have set the pll4 in tfa and u-boot as followstfa     pll4:st,pll@3 {    cfg = < 1 49 11 10 1 3>; csg = < 80 80 SSCG_MODE_CENTER_SPREAD >;  };u-boot  pll4:st,pll@3 {    cfg = < 1 49 11 10 1 7>...

MArdi by Associate II
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How to increase the RPMsg buffer size?

i want to increase the RPMsg buffer size as suggested in this thread: already tried the following:On the M4:Changing RPMSG_BU...

rengl by Associate II
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New : STM32MP15 distribution for Android™ v1.0.0

ST is please to announce the st-android-9.0.0-2019-09-27 tag compatible with Android 9.0.0 (Pie).Main software component versions : ·       Android version v9.0.0 (AOSP android-9.0.0_r46 tag)·       Kernel version v4.19.49 (AOSP common kernel) + upda...

STM32MP157AAA3 use LPDDR3?

I designed a PCB using LPDDR3 and STM32MP157AAA3 MPU, but I accidentally found that u does not support, this is not a pit man? Why is this diagram on the DDR instruction manual AN5122, I'm designing it accordingto this. But now pcb has produced how t...

Mokail by Associate II
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the two ways of using GPIO peripheral

Hello,I am working with stm32mp157c-dk2I have read the GPIO related parts in documents and wiki. I have also used GPIO from M4 side.Are the following statements correct ?Discovery board STM32MP157C-DK2 has two types of GPIOs connector:GPIO 40 pins co...

IYetk by Associate III
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DMA possible application use cases

Hi, Can anyone give me possible application use cases that Direct Memory Access (DMA) is needed or has advantages to use for stm32mp157c?Or any document that explains possible application use cases ?tnx

IYetk by Associate III
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