User Activity

Hi,I have a custom Board with a STM32MP157C marked 'B' with an attatched SD card and an eMMC (one from ISSI).First of all I am aware that this revision is having the errata 'eMMC boot timeout too short'. I also read through this post: https://communi...
Hi,is it possible to use the STPMIC1 on an I2C Bus where another slave does clock stretching? In the datasheet it says that the STPMIC uses the SCL to shift data. For my understanding the clock strechting of the other slave shouldn't bother the STPMI...
Hi,we were facing trouble booting the Ecosystem 2.0 with the new U-Boot (v2020.01-stm32mp-r1). We are using buildroot as the tool to build our distribution. With the Ecosystem 1.2 we could build everything perfectly and the booting was fine too. We u...
Hi all,i want to use some hardware peripherals in OP-TEE. I got the GPIO driver (stm32_gpio in core/drivers) to work with my PTA (Pseudo Trusted Application). I now wanna use the I2C peripheral using the stm32_i2c driver.I coundn't find any example c...
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