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Resolved! STM32MP1 no OS

Can I use STM32MP1 without an operating system?Linux is harder for me to master than a microcontroller.It would be convenient if the cube generated code hal for the processorIs there a similar feature planned?If not, is there a step-by-step instructi...

I can't connect consol using ssh by STM32CUBEIDE

I made linux configuration by virtualbox. and I did copy to board  kernel file by ssh(scp command). now I am testing M4 firmware .

bkwak by Associate II
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SDIO clock on the STM32MP157A-EV1

I'm using STM32MP157A-EV1.It configured boot from eMMC mode.This is because SDIO is used as interface.I inserted the uSD card into the slot for trial.The information of SDIO is as follows.root@stm32mp1:~# cat /sys/kernel/debug/mmc0/iosclock:     9900...

Osamu by Associate II
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Resolved! A question regarding OpenAMP RPMsg example

Hi, I'm currently porting OpenAMP virtio to Arduino platform: would like to share one thing about the OpenAMP examples in CubeMP1.Here is the implementation of MAILBOX_Poll:int MAILBOX_Poll(s...

Resolved! Debug on STM32MP1 issue

Hi,We are currently developing on the STM32MP1. Our goal now is to be able to debug the core at the different running stages : TF-A, Optee, U-boot and kernel. We are using the DK2 with a ST-link and openOCD.When using your Setup.gdb we experience som...

romain2 by Associate III
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Best way to Flash the M4 from Linux

Hi,i build a yocto and now my goal is to flash the M4 from the yocto system. I tried with echo to the Proc system but geht the following Error. Are there any hint to flash the m4? Is there a better tool for do it?[88303.356298] remoteproc remoteproc0...

Resolved! CCM in stm32mp157

Hi all,If I dedicate the MCU SRAM2 for data and MCU SRAM4 for DMA as shown here, do I get CCM like performance or do I have a risk to have contention on the SRAM2 ?After looking at the bus matrix, I suspect there is no risk but I want to make sure it...

AMART.1 by Associate
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Hi There,When the STPMIC1 goes into POWER_ON ALTERNATE mode via the PWRCTRL pin, does the activation of other Turn-ON condition sources like PONKEY or WAKEUP pins will have a resulting effect to the state of POWER_ON mode? (i.e. also triggers the PMI...

SYEH by Associate II
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