2020-08-23 9:02 AM
APT-Get returns cannot find packages for everything. add-apt repository in not found.
Any help would be appreciated.
2020-08-23 9:39 AM
If you are using the DevelopmentPackage of have built it from the DistributionPackage using Yocto out-of-the-box, there is no apt package manager but dpkg included and AFAIK there is no default package server in the internet. You can set up your own package server however, add more packages etc..
2020-08-23 10:40 AM
Thanks, I guess I have a large learning curve ahead of me. I am using the development board. Are there any examples that show setting up a package sever etc.
2020-08-23 1:42 PM
There are several points to consider.
First: you can only install the packages that you have built with bitbake. So when you a list of progs you are missing in the image, it might be easiser to include those in the image recipe. There was a recent discussion in the forum, search for: "How do I configure additional rootfs(additional Directory, more Package like as lighttpd)?".
Second: during development it might come handy to have a package server on the development host PC. This is merely a web server providing debian (.deb) packages which were built with bitbake. All packages will be put under tmp-glibc/deploy/deb by bitbake. So when you want to install lighttpd on the target without putting it into the image, you can execute bitbake lighttpd on the build host and later install it on the target using dpkg.
Third: for in-the-field upgrades etc. the process is essentlially the same as above, but the web server is exposed in the internet and you have to master update safety and security. It might be easier and more reliable to do full image updates (using swupdate or such) especially if the boards run unattended.
Creating a .deb package manager is detailed e.g. here: https://yahiafarghaly.github.io/myblog/yocto/deb_package_manager/create-a-debian-package-manager-with-yocto.html and there are more similar tutorials around. But I'm not aware of a STM specific tutorial.
Yocto is very flexible and modular and therefore inherently complex.
2020-08-23 2:07 PM
Oh, when I booted the latest ecosystem 2.0 openstlinux-weston image (DISTRO = openstlinux-weston DISTRO_VERSION = 3.1-openstlinux-5.4-dunfell-mp1-20-06-24)
there is an apt-get and there is a config file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/packages.openstlinux.st.com.list
The server is up and running, so the situation is much better than described above, sorry.
See wiki: https://wiki.st.com/stm32mpu/wiki/Package_repository_for_OpenSTLinux_distribution
2020-08-25 1:18 AM
Hi @DGray.2 @KnarfB
I confirm that apt-get service is properly supported by default in Starter Package delivery since release V1.2 in February 2020.
@DGray.2 can you please first confirm you have proper access to internet from the board ( eg : ping www.st.com is working)
If yes thanks to share traces of apt-get update command.
2020-08-25 6:04 AM
Good Morning,
I have confirmed internet by using ping and curl. This is with a hardwired connection, the wpa supplicant fails telling me it cannot parse the data.(but 1 issue at a time lol)
I can get a screen shot of apt-get update, it basically runs and says done.
2020-08-25 6:10 AM