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Forum Posts

Rootfs Size Increasing on Avenger96

Hi,I'm using Avenger96 Board using Build-Sytem through Yocto.I want to increase Rootfs Partition Size to 2Gb.Changes done so far:1)Edited /meta-st/meta-st-stm32mp/conf/machine/include/ = "2097152" -...

Resolved! STPMIC1 with LPDDR2 and 3.3VDD

I am designing a board using STM32MP1, STPMIC1A and LPDDR2. I want to use 3.3V VDD not 1.8V as most of peripherals are 3.3V. I am following example in AN5031 Figure 32 LPDDR2 VDD1 is powered from LDO3 in bypass mode which is powered by VDD 1.8V. I pl...

PGE by Associate III
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Resolved! How to create an UART interface in device tree

Hello,I would like to use the UART7 with A7 on the STM32MP157C-DK2 with the openstlinux-20-02-19 ecosystem. Therefore i tried to include/enable the UART interface in the device tree but it is not working correctly. I configured UART7 in the stm32mp15...

PSchw.16 by Associate II
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Boot to v5.4-stm32mp-r1

Hello,has anyone successful booted linux  v5.4-stm32mp-r1 on the stm32mp157c-dk2 board?If so can you please provide me a working config?I am trying to switch from the 4.19 kernel to v5.4-stm32mp-r1 but the boards freezes after trying to load the kern...

Artem by Associate III
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