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Have been struggling to get SPI to work. I have been working in the engineering boot mode to try and trouble shoot my issues. I have configured PLL3 to run the MCU at 48MHz and the SPI peripheral kernel clk to run at 108MHz and selected the clock so...
Custom board STM32MP15AABMX Cube version 6.2.1I just switched from v2 of the Distribution ecosystem to v3. After updating MX Cube to work with the latest and re configuring the kernel and device tree files I'm running into the listed issue.I am able ...
Are there any specific kernel config options to get the console to work on UART4?I feel like I've tried every permutation of build, DT, and loading configuration at this point.I'm working on a custom board with a new 'machine' building on the Distrib...
Trying to run some test code on the M4 core of a custom stm32mp151a board and can't seem to get far. I have been successful in getting u-boot working on the A core, so the majority of the board has been proven functional.I will attach my make file as...
Posted on April 26, 2016 at 22:51Hello all,I have been unable to root cause a memory mapped quad spi access error.The error was found by accessing an array of function pointers stored in spi flash that would cause a hard_fault.It appears to have som...